National Association of Fundraising Ticket Manufacturers
Suite 940
180 East Fifth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Mission Statement
The National Association of Fundraising Ticket Manufacturers (NAFTM) is a trade association of companies that manufacture pull tabs, bingo paper, and related supplies for the North American charitable gaming industry.
The association keeps members informed of ever-changing product standards, gaming laws, regulations, and enforcement practices. The NAFTM Seal, when affixed to any gaming product, ensures its recipient of a product that meets or exceeds any state standard, as well as the standards established by the North American Gaming Regulators Association (NAGRA). NAFTM also works closely with charitable organizations, and in cooperation with Allied Charities of Minnesota (ACM) has published Charity Gaming: An Association Guidebook available to charities interested in developing a charity gaming association in their state or province.
Our Purpose
The National Association of Fundraising Ticket Manufacturers is a trade association of companies that manufacture the products and supplies used in the North American Charitable gambling industry. For more than 25 years, NAFTM members have been providing safe and secure products to charitable groups to help them generate funding for every sort of charitable and community program imaginable.
Places like Faith Center, an alcohol and drug-abuse treatment center in Lubbock, Texas, that has provided help through rough times to hundreds of families in the last 12 years. And the tens of thousands of dollars – as much as three-quarters of the center’s budget – that comes from charitable gambling.
We think of the youth hockey program in Red Lake County, Minnesota, where pulltabs have outfitted dozens of kids with new uniforms. The support from charitable gaming that goes to Crisis Services Center in Whatcom County, Washington, where hundreds of victims of domestic violence and abuse find protection, counseling and legal services. And, the 250 kids who received eye exams and glasses from the Lake Brownwood Texas Lions Club.
Ours is a business that for decades has created games and entertainments that have contributed billions of dollars to strengthen families and local communities across North America. With less than 5 percent of the gaming industry, charitable gambling provides direct benefits to virtually every corner of every state and province.
Last year alone, locally-administered charitable gambling – pulltabs, bingo and raffles – contributed more than $1 Billion to the charities and communities across North America. Local organizations – churches; fraternal organizations; associations fighting such diseases as multiple sclerosis and cystic fibrosis; schools; and community groups – all raise support for local needs and local people. The industry also last year paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes and license fees.
NAFTM's most important work centers on protecting the standards, practices and integrity of the industry. The NAFTM seal on a gambling product is an assurance that it meets or exceeds any state standard, as well as the standards established by the North American Gaming Regulators Association.
Our association is committed to remain the most dependable, credible and informed source of information and counsel on matters that affect charitable gaming. It is our belief that a well-regulated industry helps everyone – business, consumers, charitable organizations, regulators and legislators – and we’ve pledged to be constructive partners for everyone involved.
But, more than anything, the NAFTM seal is an assurance of fair, secure gaming that benefits the community. It is our association’s pledge to make sure that our industry remains in a strong position to protect that legacy, and the people all across North America who depend on it.
Virtual bingo and pull tabs games conducted on Facebook and Facebook Live are illegal.
NAFTM and its member companies strictly prohibit the use of their products in any illegal gaming activity. All users will be reported to law enforcement and state regulatory authorities.
Retirement of Emil Bourgoyne
It is with mixed feelings that we announce the retirement of Emile Bourgoyne from the NAFTM board of directors. Emile has been a fixture with NAFTM for over 30 years. He served at President of the organization for several years and has actively participated in conferences, seminars and other meetings as NAFTM's representative. During his long tenure in charitable gaming, Emile served in the Louisiana State Police, setting up the first charitable gaming regulatory agency in that state. He was President of the North American Gaming Regulators Association, attending all but 3 NAGRA conferences. He also served on the Bingo Advisory Committee in Texas as well as other public advisory committees. Over the years, Emile made countless contributions to charitable gaming and made many friends along the way.
He will be missed, but we wish him the very best in his retirement!